UFPr Arts Department
Electronic Musicological Review
Vol. 6 / March 2001
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Held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Brazilian Computer Society, to which the Brazilian Group for Computer Music Research is affiliated, the Seventh Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music took place at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná from 17 to 20 July 2000 and sought to highlight aesthetic, historical, theoretical, sociological and critical aspects of digital musics. For the present issue of the Electronic Musicological Review, Giselle Ferreira, Eduardo Miranda and Carlos Palombini have selected eight papers they deem representative of what has become known, in computer and electroacoustic music circles, as "the Brazilian Symposium".
Arcela introduces a method for setting up virtual sound installations that
use tree-like structures to represent sounds in a three-dimensional space.
Bakhmutova, Gusev and Titkova address the problem of differentiating melodies
according to "nationality", with the use of a system that represents them in
terms of repetitions. Bearing in mind the limitations imposed by the use of
instrument-based descriptions of sounds in computer synthesis, Correa, Miranda
and Wright propose an alternative taxonomy for sounds produced by granular
synthesis. Dovicchi explores a set of new wavelet coefficients that he applies
to the analysis of bassoon and French horn sounds, discussing the potential of
the method for sound synthesis. Keller outlines a theoretical framework for
ecologically-based composition. Lazzarini presents a collection of
object-oriented synthesis and processing programming routines, illustrating
their use in the development of actual applications. Palombini draws on Barthes
to compare electroacoustic music and its associated musicology as Texts. Riddell
offers an insider’s view of the generation whose culture is data, and of the
rise of process as an aesthetics of data.
The guest editors wish to take this opportunity to express their gratitude
towards the EMR editorial staff — and towards Rogério Budasz in
particular — for their continued support and assistance in the preparation of
this issue. As this "volume" "goes to press", a proto-history of the
"Brazilian group" is appearing in the tenth issue of the Leonardo Music
Journal, the "Southern Cones" issue.
Image: Aluizio Arcela, Quadrados e círculos 1